How to Apply for Unemployment Benefits in Spain - Guide 2023

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What is it?

Unemployment benefits (“paro”) is a type of social security net provided by the Spanish government for individuals who have become unemployed involuntarily. This provides a source of income while job seekers look for another job.

Who needs it?

Anyone who has become involuntarily unemployed in Spain and has contributed to the Spanish Social Security for a minimum of one year (360 days) is eligible to apply for unemployment benefits.


  1. Register as a jobseeker at your local unemployment office (Oficina de Empleo).
  2. Submit an application for unemployment benefits online through the official SEPE website ( ), or at your local SEPE office (Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal).
  3. It’s important to apply within 15 working days after your last day of work.
  4. Once you’ve submitted your application, you’ll receive a text message or email confirmation.
  5. You’ll be given an appointment to discuss your situation and confirm your claim.

Required Documents

  • DNI (Spanish Identity Card) or NIE (Foreigner Identification Number)
  • Social Security card
  • Bank account number
  • “Certificado de Empresa” (Company Certificate) – shows your employment history and why you left your job
  • P45 or other proof of termination from your employer

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember, you must keep up your obligations as a job seeker. This means you must attend all mandatory courses or meetings, and actively seek work, or your benefits might be stopped. Regular check-ins will be conducted to verify that you are actively seeking employment. Make sure you are aware of your obligations once your claim has been approved.


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