Easily Replace Your Lost Driving License in Venezuela

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What is it?

The Duplicate Driving License Request service in Venezuela is designed to help individuals who have lost their driving license obtain a replacement. This service streamlines the process, ensuring you can get back on the road in the shortest time possible without unnecessary hassle.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for Venezuelan residents who have lost their driving license due to theft, misplacement, or accidental damage. It’s also beneficial for those who have had their licenses destroyed in natural disasters. Applicants should be prepared to follow specific guidelines and provide necessary documentation to confirm their identity and previous licensing status.


  1. Visit the INTT (Instituto Nacional de Transporte Terrestre) official website or the regional transit office.
  2. Fill out the Duplicate License Application Form available on the website or at the office.
  3. Submit the required documents, including a copy of your ID, proof of residency, and any additional forms mentioned.
  4. Pay the applicable fee for the duplicate license request.
  5. Wait for the processing period, which can vary depending on your region.
  6. Collect your new duplicate license from the designated transit office or opt for home delivery if available.

Required documents

  • Copy of your National ID: Obtainable through the SAIME (Servicio Administrativo de Identificación, Migración y Extranjería).
  • Proof of Residency: Utility bill or rent agreement showing your address.
  • Police Report: In case of theft, obtain a report from your local police station.
  • Filled Duplicate License Application Form: Available on the INTT website or at their offices.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all documents are up to date and originals are present during submission.
  • Processing times may vary by region, so checking with your local INTT office is advised.
  • Fees for duplicate licenses are subject to change, so confirm the latest rates on the INTT website.


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