Renew and Obtain Your Venezuelan Identity Card Easily

Table of Contents


What is it?

The Venezuelan Identity Card, also known as ‘Cédula de Identidad,’ is a mandatory identification document for all citizens and residents of Venezuela. It includes your personal data such as full name, date of birth, and a unique identification number, which are essential for legal, financial, and travel purposes within and outside Venezuela.

Who needs it?

The service is ideal for Venezuelan citizens and residents who need to renew or obtain their Identity Card. This includes individuals who have lost their ID card, those who need an update due to changes in personal information, expatriates requiring status verification, and anyone reaching the legal age for mandatory identity documentation.


  1. Gather the required documentation.
  2. Visit the nearest SAIME office (Servicio Administrativo de Identificación, Migración y Extranjería).
  3. Submit your documents and fill out the necessary forms.
  4. Have your photograph and fingerprints taken at the SAIME office.
  5. Pay the necessary fees for the ID processing.
  6. Wait for the processing time (usually a few weeks) to receive your new ID card.

Required documents

  • Valid proof of identity: Passport, birth certificate, or previous Venezuelan Identity Card.
  • Proof of residence: Utility bill or rental agreement.
  • Recent photograph: Passport-sized, if required.
  • Payment receipt: For the processing fees. Payment methods may vary.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing times can vary, so it is recommended to apply well in advance of any critical need.
  • Online appointment booking may be available through the official SAIME website: .
  • Ensure all documents are authentic and up-to-date to avoid any delays.


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