Venezuelan Military Status Certificate Service Online

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What is it?

A Military Status Certificate in Venezuela is an official document that confirms an individual’s military status, whether they have fulfilled or are exempt from military obligations. This certificate is essential for various administrative and legal processes, job applications, and when applying for visas or other official documents.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer for this service includes Venezuelan citizens who need to prove their military status for employment, legal, or immigration purposes. This includes young adults about to enter the workforce, individuals planning to emigrate, and anyone requiring official documentation for governmental or administrative purposes.


  1. Visit the official website of the Venezuelan military or the relevant governmental portal.
  2. Create an account or log in with existing credentials.
  3. Fill out the application form with accurate personal information.
  4. Upload the required documents as listed on the website.
  5. Pay the applicable processing fee via the provided payment methods.
  6. Submit the application and wait for confirmation.
  7. Once approved, download or receive your Military Status Certificate via email or post.

Required documents

  • National Identity Card (Cédula de Identidad): Obtain from the National Registry Office.
  • Birth Certificate: Available from the Civil Registry.
  • Proof of Residence: Utility bills or rental agreement.
  • Passport-sized photographs: Typically 2 recent photos.
  • Payment Receipt: Keep a copy of the payment for the processing fee.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The processing time may vary; usually, it takes a few weeks.
  • Ensure all information provided is accurate to avoid delays.
  • Fees and procedures may change, so regularly check the official website for updates.
  • Consult local offices or the consulate if applying from abroad.


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