Social Security Registration in Venezuela: Essential Information

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What is it?

Social Security registration in Venezuela is a mandatory process for residents and citizens that ensures access to social benefits such as pensions, healthcare, and other protective measures provided by the government. The registration is essential for both employees and independent workers to secure their social welfare rights.

Who needs it?

This service is crucial for Venezuelan nationals and residents who are either employed or self-employed. It’s particularly important for individuals planning to retire, seeking healthcare benefits, or requiring social protection measures. Recently emigrated Venezuelans with plans of returning, as well as workers in public and private sectors, should also consider this registration to ensure their social welfare entitlements.


  1. Gather necessary identification documents.
  2. Visit the Social Security office or access the online portal.
  3. Complete the registration form with accurate personal information.
  4. Submit the form along with required documents.
  5. Wait for confirmation and your unique Social Security number to be issued.

Required documents

  • Valid Venezuelan ID or passport: Obtain from national ID offices.
  • Proof of residence or rental agreement: Get a notarized copy.
  • Employment contract or self-employment affidavit: Provided by employer or township.
  • Birth certificate (for dependents): Issued by civil registry.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Make sure all personal information is accurate to avoid delays.
  • Legal assistance can be helpful for complex cases.
  • Online registration may be available for faster processing.
  • Keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.


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