Efficient University Degree Revalidation in Venezuela

Table of Contents


What is it?

This service helps graduates from Venezuelan universities revalidate their degrees, ensuring their qualifications are recognized internationally. This process involves various steps including documentation, authentication, and sometimes additional exams. The goal is to facilitate professional mobility and opportunities abroad by making Venezuelan qualifications valid and acceptable in other countries.

Who needs it?

This service is designed for Venezuelan professionals who have moved abroad or are planning to move. Ideal for those facing career limitations due to unrecognized qualifications, including doctors, engineers, teachers, and other skilled workers. It’s particularly relevant for recent graduates looking to establish their careers internationally.


  1. Gather all necessary documents such as your original degree, transcripts, and identification.
  2. Authenticate your documents at the corresponding Venezuelan Ministerial offices.
  3. Translate all documents into the language of the destination country if required.
  4. Submit your documents to the relevant foreign credential evaluation service.
  5. Wait for the evaluation results and follow any additional instructions given.

Required documents

    • Original degree certificate - Obtain from your university registrar.
    • Academic transcripts - Request from your university’s academic office.
    • Passport or national ID - Ensure your identification is up-to-date and valid.
    • Letter of good standing (if applicable) - Contact your professional board or association.
    • Certified translations - Use a certified translator to translate documents if required by the destination country.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

    • Some countries might require additional exams or assessments as part of the revalidation process.
    • It is advisable to contact the specific regulatory body in the destination country for the most accurate and up-to-date requirements.
    • Consult professional associations or expatriate communities for support and detailed procedural advice.
    • Processing times can vary significantly depending on the country and the specific revalidation requirements.


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